Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Solomon Northup Paper Essays

Solomon Northup Paper Essays Solomon Northup Paper Essay Solomon Northup Paper Essay They (white people) treated them as if they were property and below them. Even though We dont have racism to this extent anymore, it is still around. This book warns people of the moral cost of slavery and opens eyes to what was once common practice. With books like this around, what happened wont be forgotten. One theme that stood out to me the most was enduring hope. Solomon was kidnapped and removed from his family, abused, called a liar, stripped of his identity, extremely over- worked, and was forced to do things that he didnt want to, he never gave up ND called quits. Solomon decided, even with the situation that he was in, displayed a drive to keep going. The thought that he might see his family again and bring unjustness to the men who enslaved him was his hope. One person that really helped him through the tough times was Bass. Bass was a white person that understood the blacks, and that was refreshing to hear. One of my favorite things that he said when he was in a disagreement with Peps was, 1 These naggers are human beings, adding, And what difference is there in the color of the soul? He saw how ridiculous it was to treat blacks so bad because they had a different color of skin. Others might have felt that way but Bass stands up about it. He essentially tells Peps that he needs to start treating his slaves better. This is when we see that Bass, in a way, symbolizes the termination of slavery. Corruption and gullibility seemed to strike as being another theme in the beginning. Solomon was without work and needed to find a job to help support his family. He is over the moon excited when he finds out that the job he took was not the job he signed up for. He was drugged, kidnapped, and held as a slave. The way that it was spoken about when he first got there made you understand that people turning slaves in by tricking them was not unheard of. Brown and Hamilton promised Northup he would meet the circus in New York City, they promised hed meet the circus in Washington D. C. , they promised him high wages, they promised a quick departure from Washington D. C. , then postponed it, forcing Northup to Stay longer than planned in slave territory. These were all lies told. They even sat there and promised him safety in slave territory, but hen he was drugged and Brown and Hamilton disappeared leaving him behind. He was a free man, rules are rules, and he should not have been taken. This however shows you that people dont always play by the rules. However, it was very abrupt of him at the same time. He needed money to support his family and because of that he didnt really look as deep into the job proposition as he could have. Perseverance and power of the human spirit is another theme that shows up when you are reading this book. Solomon endured so much that he did not want to. At one point in the book, e was forced to whip a fellow slave in front of others. He says in the book, 2Ten years toiled for that man without reward. Ten years of my incessant labor has contributed to increase the bulk of his possessions. Ten years was compelled to address him with downcast eyes and uncovered head-?in the attitude and language of a slave. I am indebted to him for nothing, save undeserved abuse and stripes. Any one of the things that he went through would have broken anybody. To be able to have that kind of spirit is admirable and it just shows the drive that he has. Solomon didnt even serve it. Not that anyone does, but he was a free man. Others didnt have the right to change his identity and own him. Enduring hope, corruption, gullibility, perseverance, and the power of the human spirit are just some themes that I pulled out of the book. This story is relevant to now because even if it isnt this bad, there still is racism, and it is still important to remember what happened in respect that it doesnt happen again. It was refreshing to read about a happy ending where he did get the help he was so desperate for. Even if it took twelve years.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Early, High and Late Middle Ages

The Early, High and Late Middle Ages Although in some languages the Middle Ages are labeled in the singular (its le moyen age in French and das mittlere Alter in German), it is difficult to think of the era as anything other than ages plural. This is in part because of the numerous subjects encompassed by this long period of time, and in part because of the chronological sub-eras within the era. Generally, the medieval era is divided into three periods: the Early Middle Ages, the High Middle Ages, and the Late Middle Ages. Like the Middle Ages itself, each of these three periods lacks hard and fast parameters. Early Middle Ages The Early Medieval Era is sometimes still called the Dark Ages. This epithet originated with those who wanted to compare the earlier period unfavorably with their own so-called enlightened age. Modern scholars who have actually studied the time period would not so readily use the label, since passing judgment on the past interferes with a true understanding of the time and its people. Yet the term is still somewhat apt for the simple reason that we know relatively little about events and material culture in those times. This era is often considered, to begin with, the fall of Rome and end sometime in the 11th century. It encompasses the reigns of ​Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, and the Danish Kings of England; it saw frequent Viking activity, the Iconoclastic Controversy, and the birth and rapid expansion of Islam in Northern Africa and Spain. Over these centuries, Christianity spread throughout much of Europe, and the Papacy evolved into a powerful political entity. The Early Middle Ages are also sometimes referred to as Late Antiquity. This time period is usually viewed as beginning in the third century and stretching to the seventh century, and sometimes as late as the eighth. Some scholars see Late Antiquity as distinct and separate from both the Ancient world and the Medieval one; others see it as a bridge between the two where significant factors from both eras overlap. High Middle Ages The High Medieval Era is the period of time that seems to typify the Middle Ages best. Usually beginning with the 11th century, some scholars end it in 1300 and others extend it for as much as another 150 years. Even limiting it to a mere 300 years, the High Middle Ages saw such significant events as Norman conquests in Britain and Sicily, the earlier Crusades, the Investiture Controversy and the signing of the Magna Carta. By the end of the 11th century, nearly every corner of Europe had become Christianized (with the notable exception of much of Spain), and the Papacy, long established as a political force, was in constant struggle with some secular governments and alliance with others. This period is often what we think of when someone mentions medieval culture. It is sometimes referred to as the flowering of medieval society, thanks to an intellectual renaissance in the 12th century, such notable philosophers as Peter Abelard and Thomas Aquinas, and the establishment of such Universities as those in Paris, Oxford, and Bologna. There was an explosion of stone castle-building and the construction of some of the most magnificent cathedrals in Europe. In terms of material culture and political structure, the High Middle Ages saw medievalism at its peak. What we call feudalism today was firmly established in Britain and parts of Europe; trade in luxury items, as well as staples, flourished; towns were granted charters of privilege and even established anew by ​feudal lords with alacrity, and a well-fed population was beginning to burgeon. By the end of the thirteenth century, Europe was at an economic and cultural height, perched at the verge of a downturn.​ Late Middle Ages The end of the Middle Ages can be characterized as a transformation from the medieval world to the early modern one. It is often considered to begin in 1300, though some scholars look at the mid- to late-fifteenth century as the beginning of the end. Once again, the end of the end is debatable, ranging from 1500 to 1650. Cataclysmic and awesome events of the 14th century include the Hundred Years War, the Black Death, the Avignon Papacy, the Italian Renaissance, and the Peasants Revolt. The 15th century saw Joan of Arc burned at the stake, the fall of Constantinople to the Turks, the Moors were driven from Spain and the Jews expelled, the Wars of the Roses and the voyage of Columbus to the New World. The 16th century was wracked by the Reformation and blessed by the birth of Shakespeare. The 17th century, rarely included within the medieval era, saw the Great Fire of London, a rash of witch hunts, and the Thirty Years War. Though famine and disease had always been a lurking presence, the Late Medieval era saw the horrific results of both in abundance. The Black Death, preceded by famine and overpopulation, wiped out at least a third of Europe and marked the end of the prosperity that had characterized the high medieval era. The Church, once so highly respected by the general populace, suffered reduced status when some of its priests refused to minister to the dying during the plague and sparked resentment when it enjoyed enormous profits in bequests from plague victims. More and more towns and cities were wresting control of their own governments from the hands of the clergy or nobility that had previously ruled them. And the reduction in population triggered economic and political changes that would never be reversed. High medieval society had been characterized by the corporation. The nobility, the clergy, the peasantry, the guilds- all were group entities that saw to the welfare of their members but put the welfare of the community, and their own community in particular, first. Now, as was reflected in the Italian Renaissance, a new regard for the value of the individual was growing. By no means was late medieval nor early modern society a culture of equality, but the seeds of the idea of human rights had been sown. The viewpoints examined in the previous pages are by no means the only ways to look at the Middle Ages. Anyone studying a smaller geographical area, such as Great Britain or the Iberian Peninsula, will much more easily discover start- and end-dates for the era. Students of art, literature, sociology, militaria, and any number of subjects will each find specific turning points pertinent to their topic of interest. And I dont doubt that you, too, will see a particular event that strikes you as possessed of such towering importance that it defines the beginning or end of the medieval era for you. The comment has been made that all historical eras are arbitrary definitions and, therefore, how the Middle Ages is defined really has no significance. I believe that the true historian will find something lacking in this approach. Defining historical eras not only makes each era more accessible to the newcomer, it helps the serious student identify interrelated events, recognize patterns of cause and effect, understand the influence of a periods culture on those who lived within it and, ultimately, find a deeper meaning in the story of our past. So make your own choice, and reap the benefits of approaching the Middle Ages from your own unique perspective. Whether you are a serious scholar following the path of higher education or a devoted amateur like me, any conclusions you can support with facts will not only have validity but will help you make the Middle Ages your own. And do not be surprised if your view of Medieval times changes over the course of your studies. My own outlook has certainly evolved in the last 25 years, and will most likely continue to do so as long as the Middle Ages continues to hold me in its thrall.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dances with the Wolves by Michael Blake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dances with the Wolves by Michael Blake - Essay Example At the outset, the reader is given a glimpse of the character of the protagonist. When, in an attempt to commit suicide, Dunbar rides his horse into battle, he has the courage to face death head on and to stand his ground on the battle field. 1863. The war is at a deadlock. Soldiers, exhausted, are taking a momentary respite from the hard day of battle. Lieutenant Dunbar, gains consciousness, to find himself on the operating table with severe injuries, next in line to have his leg amputated. Dunbar shows immense courage when he decides to put on his boots and stumble back to the battlefield. He feels disillusioned, frustrated and helpless. â€Å"He had raised his arms in a final gesture of farewell to this life†¦. He had only wanted to die.†1 However, fate and his skill with a horse ensure that he twists and weaves through the enemy lines unscathed. He holds his ground on the battlefield and charges upon line after line of confederate soldiers. Upon seeing this, the moral e of the union army is boosted and they charge the field resulting in victory. Dunbar is branded a hero and decorated. Arriving at Fort Sedgewick, a deserted outpost, near Indian country, Dunbar showed courage, bravery, and a strong sense of duty by choosing to remain when many would have turned back. Dunbar as a reward chose to be posted at the western frontier. ... He forgot that he was completely naked; neither clothes nor a weapon to protect him, he bellowed at the enemy.2 When he met the rest of the natives (Wind in His Hair) too, he rushed forward fearlessly without any regard to his safety3 or any danger to his life thereby earning the respect of the Sioux tribe. He was surrounded by the Sioux tribe where he was putting up. The tribe tried to intimidate him by attempting to steal his horse and scare. To this Dunbar thought that he needs to have a dialogue with the tribe and sets out to see them, and in the way comes across a tribal woman who was injured. He took her to her tribal house, and in the amazement of everyone around they changed their perception about him and welcomed him. After having praised the tribe with his deeds he starts to live with the tribe on a permanent basis. He begins to build a rapport with the tribe and slowly engages himself in the culture of the tribe. He really appreciates the way the tribe is living and falls in love with the whole way of living which involves simplicity and humility unseen in those days in America. He becomes hero within the tribe when he locates a migrating herd of Buffalo and participates in the hunt. He is given the status of an honoured guest in the tribe and the people love him for helping them hunt the herd of Buffalo for their hunger needs. While at his stay in the tribe, he falls in love with Stands with a Fist and gets the approval of her father to marry her, and while doing so he abandons his fort for ever. He is given the name â€Å"Dances with Wolves† when he was chasing Two Socks and the Sioux were observing his move while he was through the act of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Race, Gender & Ethnicity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Race, Gender & Ethnicity - Essay Example This information can be useful to several interest groups and it is easily understandable even for laymen. In total there have been â€Å"1226† executions in the last 35 years, which make the yearly average to 35 (Facts about the Death Penalty, 2010). The data indicates that in the 70s and 80s death sentences were very few. It has registered an increase from mid 90s and the bar chart allows an easy and clear interpretation of the data. After showing a decreasing trend for several years, it increased from 37 in 2008 to 52 in 2009 and fell to 38 in 2010. Thus, it will suggest that death punishment does not act as an effective deterrent. The site presents the data in an easily discernible manner so that users can easily understand it. The article offers data on the executed persons’ race that of the victims in the cases of death penalty. â€Å"687† or â€Å"56%† are Whites, Blacks constitute â€Å"424† or â€Å"35%† while â€Å"91† or â€Å"7%† are Hispanics and â€Å"24† or â€Å"2%† are from other categories (Facts about the Death Penalty, 2010). Whites constitute of the victims with â€Å"76%† and Blacks are second with â€Å"15%† while Hispanics and others comprise â€Å"6%† and â€Å"3%† respectively (Facts about the Death Penalty, 2010). These details provide the users with a clear idea of the racial orientation of the death penalties. The article further mentions about the discrimination in 96% states, based on the â€Å"pattern of either race-of-victim or race-of-defendant† and finds, based on research evidence that â€Å"98% of chief district attorneys† are Whites (Facts about the Death Penalty, 2010). This information, again, enables the users to understand the influence that race can exercise in the death penalty cases. The article also finds that since the year 1973, â€Å"130 people,† whose innocence has been proved, â€Å"have

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Lord Of The Flies Chapter 5 Review Essay Example for Free

The Lord Of The Flies Chapter 5 Review Essay In chapter 5 Ralph says, Things are breaking up. (Page 102). Having read the whole novel, comment on whether you think that things will continue to break up on the island. Explain your answer in detail, using quotes where appropriate. The plane crash that starts Goldings novel is hardly a good omen, and things continue to deteriorate throughout the story. Ralphs realisation in chapter five that Things are breaking up, (pg 102) is a perfect summary of what has started to happen, but at this point he has no idea of how bad things will get. The first time we meet Jack; he is portrayed as being in almost complete darkness (pg 27). This suggests there is a side to his personality that is far from pure, while the first time we are introduced to Piggy and Ralph, they strip off and go swimming. This suggests innocence and light, a far cry from Jack and the choirboys looming darkness. The first indication we receive that things are breaking up is in chapter two, at the assembly. Ralph is talking about how there will need to be rules and order, when Jack interrupts with All the same you need an army. (Pg 43) After this, it is decided that the choir will be this army- the clear beginning of the degradation of Jack and the choirboys from angels to torturing hunters. Another key event that happens in this meeting is the conch being chosen to signify a persons right to talk. This is the only rule that exists at the moment, and it is already broken before the end of the meeting, when all the boys follow Jack off to make a fire: Jack clamoured among them, the conch forgotten. (Pg 49) It becomes very clear that all is not well on the island when a littlun tells the assembly of a beastie that lives on the island. Ralph desperately tries to reassure the children: But there isnt a beastie! (Pg 47), while Jack unsettles them by talk of hunting and death: If there was a snake wed hunt and kill it. When Golding points out that Ralph Felt himself facing something ungraspable, (pg 48) he is subtlely stating that the so-called beastie is not some terrible creature, but evil beginning to surface in the boys. This emergence of evil marks the beginning of the island, the boys and their microcosm breaking up. When building the fire, Jack and Piggy argue about whether Piggy helped at all. When Piggy points out that he has the conch, Jack snaps with The conch doesnt count on top of the mountain. Here Jack is finding ways to detach himself from the rule and order of the conch, and succeeding. The first death in the book is when the boy with the mulberry birthmark disappears and is killed in the forest fire. This is due to the hunters lack of responsibility and letting the fire get out of control. In chapter three, it becomes apparent that the boys are undergoing a change for the worse. They have now reverted to the rhythm of nature, rather than civilised time, and they become much more savage in that they are now able to kill. The group is not working together, and so their society is breaking off into smaller groups. On page 64, Ralph complains to Jack that no one is helping he and Simon build the shelters: they (the littluns) keep running off. The hunters were also away from the main group, on another unsuccessful hunt. Jack then loses his temper, and his evil is clearly referenced. In this chapter, a definite rift has begun to appear between Ralph and Jack, an event pointed out on page 70: the shouting and splashing and laughing was only just sufficient to bring them together again. The only character who does not seem to be breaking up is Simon. He is the silent, solid listener of the boys island society. His truthfulness and clarity of thinking, as well as his peaceful behaviour, sets Simon apart from the group of savages. They think he is weird which makes him an outcast from the group. At the end of chapter three he wanders off to be solitary and peaceful. Here, he begins be aware of the decline that is occurring, with increasing velocity, in the social structure and peaceful beauty of the island. He is one of the few, perhaps the only person in the group, with the capability to understand the danger in such degeneration. Simons realisation that all is not what it seems happens on page 66: As if this wasnt a good island. The very title of chapter four, painted faces and long hair suggests the breaking up of the island society as the boys regress to savagery. There is a pause however, a reminder that the boys old morals have not gone completely when Roger is unable to throw a rock directly at Henry. The taboos of old life (Pg 78) prevented him from doing so. Also in chapter four, Ralph spots smoke on the horizon whilst bathing. However, the hunters had let the fire go out and no smoke was spotted: The fire was smokeless and dead, the watchers were gone (Pg 85). When the hunters return, they have killed a pig and are too excited about this act of savagery to worry about the most important thing (in theory) on the island. This event marks a change in the group, Ralph especially: they let the bloody fire out. This is the first time we see Ralph lose his temper. The pig is then roasted, and a ritualistic dance takes place. The hunters chant, kill the pig, cut her throat, bash her in. This is a primitive and savage thing to do. Chapter five really reinforces the changes the island, social structure and indeed the boys are going through. Ralph says, in an assembly, how they do not gather water anymore, or use their designated bathrooms. This debate eventually turns to rules. Jack points out that if Ralph cannot hunt or song (in other words act as a savage), then does he have the right to be chief? More arguing ensues, and The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away. (Pg 113). The meeting is in absolute disorder, and now it is obvious that Ralphs statement that things are breaking up was absolutely true. Because there is now nothing to stop the group of boys (or savages) from fragmenting and degenerating, things will now continue to break up until the end of the novel. Chapter six starts in darkness. This is the point where the dead parachutist makes his entry into the story. The parachutists introduction shows that not all contact with the outside world is lost, but the only sign is a dead, rotting man killed in war: But a sign came down from the world of grown-ups, though at the time there was no child awake to read it. (Pg 118) This is an answer to Ralphs desperate cry at the end of chapter five, although not at all what he had wanted, or expected. While Sam and Eric are tending to the fire, they see the eerie silhouette of the parachutist flapping about in the breeze and immediately perceive it as a physical form of the beast. They run back to Ralph and Piggy, and tell of the events that have just taken place at an early morning assembly: Ralph pointed fearfully at Erics face, which was striped with scars where the bushes had torn him How did you do that? Eric felt his face. The other boys automatically think that the beast had attacked them, but this time there is no one comforting the littluns and saying that there is no beast. At this, Jack proposes to hunt the beast and his true feelings come through: Sucks to the littluns! We dont need the conch anymore. (Page 125) Here, Jack has abandoned any trace of order that there once was, and is only interested in hunting. Jack leads the boys to castle rock, the only place that nobody had explored. Ralph walked in the rear, thankful to have escaped responsibility (Pg 128). This shows that leadership is taking its toll on Ralph, and that he is now perhaps not as good a leader as he was at the beginning. Jack and the hunters, once at castle rock, get very excited about the place and say it would be good for a fort. Ralph then spoils their fun and Jack leads the group back to the shelter. During chapter seven, Ralph joins the hunt. He becomes very involved, both in the actual hunt and the ritual dance that follows. He succumbs to the urge to hurt, in just the same way as the savage hunters. Ralph too was fighting to get near The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering. (Pg 142) They become so absorbed into the dance that they do not notice that they are hurting Robert. After this dance, Golding describes the deteriorating landscape of the island, mirroring the boys degeneration. Ralph, Jack and Roger then go up the mountain to look for the beast. In chapter eight, Gift for the darkness, a number of objects have now become taboo, for instance the beast and, in the case of Piggy, Jack. The boys express their fear for things by not naming them. Without realising it, they are actually increasing their fear by not facing up to it. Jack becomes much more violent, and his possessiveness and longing for leadership is at its strongest: Hands up, said Jack strongly, whoever wants Ralph not to be chief. (Pg 157) Jack then goes off and decides to make a camp of his own, but he calls it a tribe (which is showing obvious savagery). The savages who had once belonged to the choir went with him, an eerie parody of the once angelic group. Jacks tribe go on a hunt, and catch a pig. After this death, they joyfully cover themselves in the pigs blood. The act of killing marks a milestone in that the boys have reached a very primitive level of living. Later, Jack and his gang raid Ralphs encampment. They steal a burning log for their own fire and Jack invites all the boys to come join his tribe at the feast they are to have that night. As the savages leave, Ralph comments about how he wishes he could have fun too, but still the fire is more important to him. Back at the clearing Simon is having a discussion with the pigs head that the hunters had put on a stick. This discussion is probably mostly in Simons head, but Golding uses this interview as an eerie way to unveil the theme of the novel. Golding now refers to the fly-covered pigs head as the Lord of the Flies. The Lord of the Flies asks Simon if hes afraid of him. It says: I am the Beast Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didnt you? Im part of you! (Pg 177) The Beast then warns Simon not to tell anyone the truth, otherwise he will be killed. He decides not to heed this advice, and at the end of chapter nine Simon comes running out of the jungle. He shouts and screams that the beast is only a dead man, but the savages do not listen. Simon is murdered in the ritual dance, the very final step to savagery. The tribe, after this, find no problem in stealing Piggys glasses. By this time, the conch has gone from pink to white. It has faded, and so has its power and rule over the group. When it is smashed in chapter 11, this marks the end of all rules and morals the boys might still have traces of. Piggy is killed in chapter 11, when roger pushes him off the cliff with a boulder. The boys are eventually rescued in the middle of savagely smoking Ralph out of the forest. If they had not broken up so much as to set the forest on fire, they would never have been rescued so it might be said that it is a good thing that the boys degenerated so much as to set a forest alight. However, the naval officer who rescues them takes them off to his ship, which is probably engaged in war itself. So when the boys leave the island, they have escaped the evil of the tribe, but not of man itself.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Unjust War :: essays research papers

The Vietnam conflict began in the late nineteenth century. The French conquered Vietnam and made it a protectorate. For nearly forty years, Vietnam had not experienced settled peace. The League for the Independence of Vietnam (Viet Minh) was formed in 1941, seeking independence from the French. On September 2nd, 1945, Ho Chi Minh proclaimed it independent of France. The French opposed their independence from 1945 to 1954. The French wanted to reestablish their rule in Vietnam but were beaten at the battle of Dien Bien Phu on May 7th, 1954. Ho Chi Minh led the war against France and won (lawson 13-15). After the war there was a conference in Geneva where Vietnam was divided into two parts along the seventeenth parallel. North Vietnam was mainly Communist and supported Ho Chi Minh, while the south was supported by the United States and the French were based there (bender 55-59). There was still some Communist rebels within South Vietnam. These were the Viet Cong. The South Vietnam ruler was Ngo Dinh Diem who was anti-Communist. At the conference, Laos and Cambodia became independent states (johnson 34). North Vietnam wished to unify North and South Vietnam through military force. Since the United States feared the spread of communism in Asia, John F. Kennedy provided economic and military aid to South Vietnam to prevent the takeover by North Vietnam (bender 35). At this time, this was still a civil war and because this was a civil war the United States had no right to become officially involved, but at this point it did (mcleod 120-125). The North Vietnamese resented the little intervention by the United Sates and so, three Vietnamese torpedo boats fired on the U.S. destroyer, "Maddox" on August 2nd, 1964. The "Maddox" had been in the Gulf of Tonkin, (international waters), thirty miles off the coast of Vietnam. On August 3rd, 1964, President Johnson gave the right " to attack with the objective of destroying attacking forces.† Retaliation air attacks began on August 3rd. Their aim was to destroy North Vietnam's gunboat capability. As two more United States destroyers were supposedly sunk, more air and sea forces were sent. Up until now, the U.S. had refrained from direct combat. This is when the United States formally entered the Vietnam War. The U.S. did this for two reasons. We wished to maintain the independence of South Vietnam and we had to prove to allied nations that we would help them resist Communist overtaking.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

History, but goes deeper to touch on matters

It is not customary for there to be exchanges between us concerning my growing interest in art and my consequent enrollment in an art school. I however hope not to offend you, not by sharing what has become so intimately entwined with my heart.I’m not going to amuse you by attempting a funny portrait of you, but discuss a classic that I recently encountered, and that does not only touch your favorite subject, Â  History, but goes deeper to touch on matters of humanity, of war and the fight against such atrocities as happened on the Third of May, 1808. I have been careful enough, dear, to attach a photo of the portrait for you.Franscisco Goya, the artist who created this masterpiece is considered a key figure in the word of paintings. On this painting he created the background of a dark early morning, in which a Church stood.Goya tells of the dark evil that surrounded the mass execution that occurred that morning, an atrocity against humble and innocent human beings. This is i mplied by the presence of a church, and demonstrated by one of the victims in the middle ground.Talking of the middle ground, you have seen the desperate faces of the victims displayed against the light from a lamp. You must, as well as I did, wonder about the genius that Goya was: What is this source of light? How can it exist in front of such seemingly horrible executioners? He crafted it so carefully that we do not have to see the faces of the executioners!After all, he must have wanted us to focus on the victims who suffer the violence, not the perpetrators, therefore raising that humane part of us to protect the harmless of the society who’ve been pitted against the armed ruthless dictators of the world.The foreground is very dramatic. The firing soldiers are killing one victim after another in cold blood. Goya must have been very skilled in his conception of principles of design, especially how he has used light to communicate his message, yet all this is done on a canv as, just (106*137 inches) Fairly large for a painting, but the depth of meaning it carries cannot be exhausted, not by time or space.I have hereby just given you a glimpse of what art we study in school and the thoughts that cross my mind as I engage the books.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

For the upcoming film based on the memoir Essay

Twelve Years a Slave (1853; sub-title: Narrative of Solomon Northup, a citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington city in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a cotton plantation near the Red River in Louisiana), by Solomon Northup as told to David Wilson, is a memoir of a black man who was born free in New York state but kidnapped, sold into slavery and kept in bondage for 12 years in Louisiana before the American Civil War. He provided details of slave markets in Washington, DC, as well as describing at length cotton cultivation on major plantations in Louisiana. Published soon after Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Northup’s book sold 30,000 copies and was considered a bestseller.[1] It went through several editions in the nineteenth century. Supporting Stowe’s fictional narrative in detail, Northup’s first-hand account of his twelve years of bondage proved another bombshell[peacock term] in the nationalpolitical debate over slavery leading up to the Civil War, drawing endorsements from major Northern newspapers, anti-slavery organizations, and evangelical groups. After several editions in the 19th Century, the book fell into obscurity for nearly 100 years, until it was re-discovered by two Louisiana historians, Dr. Sue Eakin (Louisiana State University at Alexandria) and Dr. Joseph Logsdon (University of New Orleans).[2] In the early 1960’s they researched and retraced Solomon Northup’s journey[3] and co-edited a historically annotated version that was published by LSU Press in 1968. [4] A 2013 film based on the story and directed by Steve McQueen is scheduled for release by Fox Searchlight Pictures on October 18, 2013. Contents [hide] 1 Synopsis 2 Reception and historical value 3 Editions and adaptations 4 References 5 External links Synopsis[edit] In Upstate New York, black freeman Solomon Northup, a skilled carpenter and fiddler, is approached by two circus promoters who offer him a brief, high-paying job with their traveling circus. Without informing his wife, who is away at work in the next town, he travels with the strangers towards Washington DC in good spirits. One morning, he wakes to find himself drugged, bound, and in the cell of a slave pen. When Northup asserts his rights as a freeman, he is beaten and warned never again to mention his free life in New York. Transported by ship to New Orleans, Northup and other enslaved blacks contract smallpox and some die. In transit, Northup implores a sympathetic sailor to send a letter to his family. The letter arrives safely, but, lacking knowledge of his final destination, Northup’s family is unable to effect his rescue. Northup’s first owner is William Ford, a cotton planter on a bayou of the Red River, and he subsequently has several other owners during his twelve-year bondage. At times, his carpentry and other skills mean he is treated relatively well, but he also suffers extreme cruelty. On two occasions, he is attacked by a man who is to become his owner, John Tibeats, and finds himself unable to resist retaliating, for which he suffers great reprisals. Later he is sold to Edwin Epps, a notoriously cruel planter, who gives Northup the role of driver, requiring him to oversee the work of fellow slaves and punish them for undesirable behavior. Never, in almost 12 years, does he reveal his true history to a single slave or owner. Finally he confides his story in Samuel Bass, a white carpenter from Canada. Bass sends a letter to Northup’s wife, who calls on Henry Northup, a white attorney whose family once held and then freed Solomon Northup’s father. Henry Northup contacts New York state officials and the governor appoints him as an agent to travel to Louisiana and free Solomon Northup. He succeeds, and Solomon Northup leaves the plantation. After instigating a court case against the men who sold him into slavery, Northup is reunited with his family in New York. Reception and historical value[edit] Northup’s account describes the daily life of slaves at Bayou Boeuf in Louisiana, their diet and living conditions, the relationship between the master and slave, and the means that slave catchers had used to recapture runaways. Northup’s slave narrative has details similar to those of some other authors, such as Frederick Douglass, Harriet Ann Jacobs, or William Wells Brown, but he was unique in being kidnapped as a free man and sold into slavery. His book was a bestseller, rapidly selling 30,000 copies in the years before the American Civil War.[1] After additional printings in the 19th century, the book went out-of-print until 1968,[4] when historians Joseph Logsdon and Sue Eakin restored it to prominence. Dr. Eakin first discovered the story as a child growing up in Louisiana plantation country. Dr. Logsdon’s discovery occurred when a student from an old Louisiana family brought to class a copy of the original 1853 book that had been in her family for over a century. Together Logsdon and Eakin validated Solomon Northup’s tale by retracing his journey through Bayou Boeuf plantation country in central Louisiana where his bondage took place, through the slave sales records of New Orleans and Washington, D.C., and further documented his New York State origins, his father’s freeman’s decree, and the legal work which restored Northup’s freedom and prosecuted his abductors. In 1968, Eakin and Logsdon’s heavily footnoted edition of the original book was published by Louisiana State University Press, shedding new light on Northup’s story and establishing its historic significance. That book has been widely used by scholars and in classrooms for over fifty years and is still in print. In 1998 Logsdon received a call from scholars in upstate New York inviting him to participate in a search for Solomon’s grave, however bad weather prevented the search and Logsdon died the following June (1999). In 2007, Dr. Eakin completed development of an updated and expanded version that includes over 150 pages of new background material, maps, and photographs shortly before her death at age 90. In 2013, e-book and audiobook versions of her final definitive edition were released in her honor. With permission, scholars may use Eakin’s lifetime archives through The Sue Eakin Collection, LSU at Alexandria, La. The Joseph Logsdon Archives are available at the University of New Orleans. Historian Jesse Holland noted in a 2009 interview that he had relied on Northup’s memoir and detailed description of Washington in 1841 to identify the location of some slave markets. Holland has also researched the roles of ethnic African slaves as skilled laborers who helped build some of the important public buildings in Washington, including the Capitol and part of the original Executive Mansion.[5]

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Andregernic blocking drugs Essay

Andregernic blocking drugs Essay Andregernic blocking drugs Essay Adrenergic blocking drugs General Principals (Class) Beta adrenergic blocking agents prevent stimulation of the beta adrenergic receptors at the nerve endings of the sympathetic nervous system and therefore decrease the activity of the heart. They block sympathetic stimulation of the heart and reduce systolic pressure, heart rate, cardiac contractility and output, so decrease myocardial oxygen demand and increase exercise tolerance (agents, 2013) Indications Adrenergic blocking agents are used to treat angina, control abnormal heart rhythms and to reduce high blood pressure (agents, 2013). They are also used to treat a variety of other conditions including benign prostatic hyperplasia and Reynaud’s disease (Blockers, 2013). Cautions Adrenergic blocking drugs are typically not used on people with asthma because they may trigger severe asthma attacks. Also with people who have diabetes, adrenergic blocking drugs may block signs of low blood sugar, such as rapid heartbeat (Blockers, 2013). Mechanism of Action To interrupt the stimulation of the SNS at the alpha 1- adrenergic receptors. Alpha blockers work to bind and antagonize receptors by blocking norepinephrine making it non responsive called a competitive blockade. A covalent bond makes receptors less responsive but responsive in a small amount to norepinephrine called a noncompetitive blockade. Adverse Effects Sudden drop in blood pressure after the first dose called the first-dose phenomenon, causing the patient to pass out. Cardiovascular palpitations, tachycardia, edema and angina. Nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth and abdominal Toxic Effects In the case of an overdose, activated charcoal is the standard choice of med because after administered it binds to the drug and is removes it from the stomach and the circulation. Supportive measures include vitals, fluids, and anticonvulsants such as diazepam for the control of seizures. Route of Administration Alpha1 Blockers Mostly administered orally(PO) Except for phentolamine, administration routes are intravenous(IV), intramuscular(IM), and subcutaneously(subcut) Phentolamine can be used for extravasation of vasoconstricting drugs(e.g., norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine) subcutaneously(subcut) in a circular fashion around the extravasation site to increase blood flow to the ischemic tissue and thus prevent permanent damage. Beta Blockers Nonselective Mostly administered PO Labetalol(Normodyne, Trandate) and propranolol(Inderal) are administered PO and IV Timolol PO, IV, and ophthalmic for glaucoma (Skidmore-Roth, 2013) Cardioselective Mostly administered PO Metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol-XL), PO and IV Esmolol (Brevbloc) IV only (Lilly Lane, Rainforth Collins, & Snyder, 2014) Common Drug Interactions Antacids (aluminum hydroxide type) Decrease absorption resulting in decreased beta blocker activity Antimuscarinics and Anticholinergics Antagonism resulting in reduction of beta blocker effects Digoxin Additive effect, enhancing bradycardic effects of digoxin Diuretics, cardiovascular drugs, alcohol Additive effect resulting with additive hypotensive effects Neuromuscular blocking drugs Additive effect by prolonging neuromuscular blockade Oral hypoglycemic drugs and Insulin Mask signs of hypoglycemia and delay recovery from hypoglycemia (Lilly Lane, Rainforth Collins, & Snyder, 2014) Nursing implications for patients taking Adrenergic Blocking Drugs include: Patient teaching (Lilly, Collins, Synder, 2014, Pg 319-322) Wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace Carrying around a list of medications and specific diagnosis around with them at all times Take medication exactly as prescribed and never to stop the medication abruptly Avoid caffeine and other CNS stimulants Avoid consuming any alcohol Contact your doctor immediately if and when you experience any of the following: Palpitations, chest pain, confusion, weight gain of 2

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Lyda Newman Invents Vented Hair Brush

Lyda Newman Invents Vented Hair Brush African-American inventor Lyda D. Newman patented a new and improved hairbrush in 1898  while living in New York. A hairdresser by trade, Newman designed a brush that was easy to keep clean, durable, easy to make and provided ventilation during brushing by having recessed air chambers. In addition to her novel invention, she was a womens rights activist.   Hairbrush Improvement Patent Newman received patent #614,335 on Nov. 15, 1898. Her hairbrush design included several features for efficiency and hygiene. It had evenly spaced rows of bristles, with open slots to guide debris away from the hair into a recessed compartment and a back that could be opened at the touch of a button for cleaning out the compartment. Women's Rights Activist In 1915, Newman was mentioned in local newspapers for her suffrage work. She was one of the organizers of an African-American branch of the Woman Suffrage Party, which was fighting to give women the legal right to vote. Working on behalf of her fellow African-American women in New York, Newman canvassed her neighborhood to raise awareness of the cause and organized suffrage meetings in her voting district. Prominent white suffragists of the Woman Suffrage Party worked with Newmans group, hoping to bring voting rights to all of New Yorks female residents. Her Life Newman was born in Ohio around 1885. Government censuses of 1920 and 1925 confirm that Newman, then in her 30s, was living in an apartment building on Manhattans West Side and was working as a familys hairdresser. Newman lived much of her adult life in New York City. Not much else is known about her private life. Hairbrush History Newman did not invent the hairbrush, but she did revolutionize its design to resemble the brushes in use more today. The history of the first hairbrush begins with the comb. Found by archaeologists at Paleolithic dig sites around the world, combs date back to the origins of human-made tools. Carved from bone, wood, and shells, they were initially used to groom hair and keep it free of pests, such as lice. As the comb developed, however, it became a decorative hair ornament used to display wealth and power in countries including China and Egypt.   From ancient Egypt to Bourbon France, elaborate hairstyles were in vogue, which required brushes to style them. The hairstyles included ornate headdresses and wigs that were used as displays of wealth and social status. Because of their primary use as a styling tool, hairbrushes were an indulgence reserved exclusively for the wealthy. As late as the 1880s, each brush was unique and carefully handcrafted- a task that included carving or forging a handle from wood or metal as well as hand-stitching each individual bristle. Because of this detailed work, brushes were usually bought and gifted only on special occasions, such as weddings or christenings, and cherished for life. As brushes became more popular, brush makers developed a streamlined manufacturing process to keep up with demand.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Truman Doctrine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Truman Doctrine - Essay Example Truman argued that if the countries received no support at that time of the urgent need brought about by war, grave consequences would emerge. Many authors have written vastly about the Truman Doctrine as discussed in this essay. According to Lykogiannis (104), Truman believed that the war was a threat not only to international peace but also to the national security of the United States. President Truman asked the United States Congress to provide economic and military support to democratic nations facing war, hence the Truman doctrine. The Truman doctrine changed the United States foreign policy effectively. Historians considered the doctrine as the genesis of the cold war (Freeland 77). The Greek Communist war got support from the Soviet Union who posed as a threat to the Greek policy makers. The United States, through the request of President Truman, provided close to half a billion dollars financial aid to both Greek and Turkey. The Truman Doctrine developed to the United States policy of supporting free people who get subjected to armed minor groups of people or by external pressures. According to President Truman, the doctrine was for the best interest of the United States at large. The doctrine had a strategic goal despite supporting the majority rights (Spalding 55). Economically, Greece lacks sufficient natural resources, thus making it a poor country compared to other developed countries. The country has suffered four years of cruel invasion making economic and social development difficult. Politically, the country had suffered immense destruction from German liberation, and inflation rates remained high. These tragic conditions forced the emergence of a militant minority giving rise to political chaos. This has made Greece’s economic recovery slow and difficult as the country struggles to reconstruct. The financial aid given by United States helped boost the country economic status but was not enough to